01 75 57 95 12
for all inquiries: 01 75 57 95 12 or akreator@akreator.com - response within 24 hours guaranteed
Pedagogical and administrative support
To guarantee the best possible conditions for accessing and following up training courses, we provide learners with tracking systems:
administrative :
We ensure that all training-related documents are drawn up and dispatched correctly (quotations, contracts, agreements, reports, attendance sheets, certificates, etc.), and that contractual elements (rates, deadlines, number of hours) are respected.
We offer you administrative assistance in applying for funding for your training: identifying the funding body (OPCO, Pôle Emploi, Agefice, Mission locale, etc.), drawing up the documents needed to apply for training funding (estimate, detailed program, provisional timetable, etc.), monitoring the funding application.
educational :
We ensure that the training runs smoothly, making sure that the learner attends regularly, uses the teaching aids and resources provided, and assimilates the knowledge acquired.
Les rapports pédagogiques et d'assiduité sont envoyés mensuellement à tous les apprenants dont le parcours de formation est supérieur à trois mois. Les entretiens périodiques nous permettent de suivre de près les progrès de chaque apprenant.
Pour les formations courtes, un entretien intermédiaire nous permet de faire un point sur l'avancement de la formation et ajuster le programme ou le parcours si besoin.
At the start of each training course, the contact details of the administrative and teaching staff are systematically communicated to each learner. These contacts remain at the learner's disposal throughout the course.